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All Roads Lead to the Pedia Credibility Algorithm (PCA)

“The Inter­net Econ­omy is the 4th new econ­omy in 250 years. This Inter­net econ­omy has no friction…Tom Fried­man said, ‘the world is flat,’ well the world is remark­ably with­out fric­tion, the num­ber of mar­kets in which ‘win­ner take all’ can take place — much big­ger — and now it includes China…Any process that can be cod­i­fied — that can be turned into an algo­rithm, becomes the basis of a ser­vice that can be deliv­ered, with­out fric­tion. Now whether some­body’s going to pay for it? Inter­est­ing ques­tion. And one of the inter­est­ing ques­tions is what’s going to be the busi­ness model for ser­vices that don’t lend them­selves to advertising.”

Bill Janeway of War­bug Pinkus on Bloomberg Sur­veil­lance, June 24, 2014.

All roads lead to The “Pedia Credibility Algo­rithm” (PCA) whether you pre­fer the log­i­cal, the evo­lu­tion­ary, the inevitable, the par­a­digm shift, the con­trar­ian, or sim­ple sur­vival. PCA@PON is the com­pli­men­tary oppo­site of SBT@POI — that pro­duces expo­nen­tial results from all past, present, and future mar­ket­ing by sim­ply opti­miz­ing the “credibility” of a marketer.

Experts like Bill Janeway of War­burg Pinkus, Carl Led­bet­ter of Pelion Ven­tures, Ray Dalio, Founder of Bridge­wa­ter Asso­ciates, Shoshanna Zuboff, Amer­i­can author and scholar, and Tom Good­win of Havas Media have long pre­dicted the form and struc­ture of PCA mar­ket­ing — includ­ing the nec­es­sary processes, com­po­nents, for­mu­las and algo­rithms that would be present — and they all lead to the PAC solution.

Any Process that can be Cod­i­fied and turned into an algorithm..
Con­sumer-Aligned Mar­ket­ing was inevitable
The Thin-Layer Cus­tomer Inter­face Platform

  • <iframe width=“640” height=“350” src=“” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; auto­play; encrypted-media; gyro­scope; pic­ture-in-pic­ture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • There are cer­tain absolutes or laws of the uni­verse and “the law of sup­ply and demand” — giv­ing con­sumers what they want is one of those laws in every free-mar­ket economy.

    So what do con­sumers want?
    The #1 thing con­sumers want is HONESTY.
    Con­sumers always want lower prices, higher qual­ity, more con­ve­nience, and bet­ter cus­tomer service.
    Con­sumers want what they want when they want it (“point of need”) and they don’t when they don’t (ad blockers).
    And today’s con­sumers want even more:

    • 64% of U.S. con­sumers agree that com­pa­nies should be actively involved in solv­ing social/environmental problems 
    • 71% think that com­pa­nies and brands should play a role in improv­ing our qual­ity of life and well-being 
    • Only 36% think that brands work hard at improv­ing our qual­ity of life and well-being
    • Just 40% of peo­ple in US gen­er­ally trust brands

    Any “mis­align­ment” or “fric­tion” between what the con­sumer wants and what a com­pany pro­vides takes its toll over time and rep­e­ti­tions, and cre­ates oppor­tu­ni­ties that com­peti­tors can exploit. Low­er­ing the qual­ity, rais­ing the price, pro­vid­ing poor cus­tomer ser­vice or ignor­ing what con­sumers want can and does cause con­sumers to aban­don one brand in favor of another — faster now than ever before.

    Brand loy­alty has left the build­ing (Accord­ing to Havas Media 2017) —

    • The major­ity of peo­ple world­wide would­n’t care if 73% of brands dis­ap­peared tomorrow
    • In Europe and the US peo­ple would­n’t care if 92% of brands disappeared

    Tra­di­tional inter­rup­tion-based adver­tis­ing has always suf­fered from the “mis­align­ment” nec­es­sary to insert ads/commercials into con­tent, but since adver­tis­ing was the pri­mary source for infor­ma­tion about the prod­ucts and ser­vices con­sumers wanted to buy — con­sumers tol­er­ated the inter­rup­tions. But that was then and this is now.

    Today, con­sumers don’t trust adver­tis­ing, con­sumers don’t want adver­tis­ing and most of all, because of the Inter­net, con­sumers no longer need adver­tis­ing to get infor­ma­tion on the prod­ucts and ser­vices they want to buy.

    The mes­sage is clear and sim­ple — give con­sumers what they want, when they want it.

  • The Bat­tle is for the Cus­tomer Interface
    by Tom Good­win, March 3, 1015,

    Uber, the world’s largest taxi com­pany, owns no vehi­cles. Face­book, the world’s most pop­u­lar media owner, cre­ates no con­tent. Alibaba, the most valu­able retailer, has no inven­tory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accom­mo­da­tion provider, owns no real estate. Some­thing inter­est­ing is happening…

    The Inter­face Owners
    The new breed of com­pa­nies are the fastest grow­ing in his­tory. Uber, Instacart, Alibaba, Airbnb, Seam­less, Twit­ter, What­sApp, Face­book, Google: These com­pa­nies are inde­scrib­ably thin lay­ers that sit on top of vast sup­ply sys­tems (where the costs are) and inter­face with a huge num­ber of peo­ple (where the money is). There is no bet­ter busi­ness to be in. The New York Times needs to write, fact check, buy paper, print and dis­trib­ute news­pa­pers to get their ad money. Face­book pro­vides a plat­form for us to write our own con­tent, and Twit­ter mon­e­tizes the front page of news­pa­pers, which hap­pens to now be the Twit­ter feed.

    Our rela­tion­ships are no longer with the ser­vice providers. Our mobile oper­a­tors seem like dumb data pipes while What­sApp pro­vides the ser­vices we value and can mon­e­tize our attention.

    The Inter­face Is Where the Profit Is
    …The value is in the soft­ware inter­face, not the prod­ucts. It’s not just the smart home. Uber pro­vides aver­age cars in a pre­mium way; Seam­less makes the most dis­gust­ing of greasy kebab joints appeal­ing and makes its mar­gin from both sides. iTunes for many years took vir­tu­ally all the profit made in the entire music indus­try by being just the thin soft­ware between the hard work mak­ing tunes and the money sell­ing them.

    Big Bat­tles For the Cus­tomer Interface
    The Inter­net age means build­ing things is noth­ing other than code. We’re going to see a non­stop bat­tle to leap ahead of each other. And also get more wide, Twit­ter may have started out as a microblog­ging plat­form, but it’s now aim­ing to be a way to exploit its audi­ence to dis­trib­ute TV con­tent. Facebook’s attempts with news con­tent now make it a news chan­nel and thanks to Auto­play video, soon a way to watch TV con­tent. Snapchat’s dis­cov­ery fea­tures turned the IM plat­form into a way to con­sume TV content.

    In the mod­ern age, hav­ing icons on the home­page is the most valu­able real estate in the world, and trust is the most impor­tant asset. If you have that, you’ve a license to print money until some­one pushes you out of the way. So the ques­tion becomes, what are you going to do to stay there or get there? And once there, how do you exploit it?

     —– End of Tom Good­win Arti­cle Excerpt —–

    There is no doubt that com­pa­nies with the “thin layer cus­tomer inter­face” (that match per­fectly indi­vid­u­als that need some­thing and peo­ple with some­thing to offer) are the fastest grow­ing and most valu­able in his­tory. For exam­ple (2024 valuations):

    The Pedia Plat­form is the thin cus­tomer inter­face between mar­keters and con­sumers that enables mar­keters to pro­vide con­sumers with the high-value infor­ma­tion they want, when they want it, from an inde­pen­dent third-party they believe, on all the prod­ucts and ser­vices con­sumers want to buy. Con­sumers can find “ency­clo­pe­dias” on every prod­uct, ser­vice, and com­pany that includes “every­thing you want to know about every­thing you want to buy™” in a sin­gle, easy to remem­ber place.

  • The Fifth Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion incor­po­rates con­cepts such as “sus­tain­abil­ity,” “human-cen­tered­ness,” and “con­cern for the envi­ron­ment” in addi­tion to trans­for­ma­tion of the indus­trial struc­ture through the uti­liza­tion of AI, IoT, big data, etc., which was debated in the Fourth Indus­trial Revolution.

    The Fifth Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion, or 5IR, encom­passes the notion of har­mo­nious human–machine col­lab­o­ra­tions, with a spe­cific focus on the well-being of the mul­ti­ple stake­hold­ers (i.e., soci­ety, com­pa­nies, employ­ees, cus­tomers). Sci­enceDi­rect, June 2022, Pages 199–208