Bob Garfield — is a prominent commentator and analyst of advertising and marketing. For 25 years, his weekly AdReview in Advertising Age evaluated, vetted, parsed, deconstructed and offered uncanny prognostications for thousands of ads from hundreds of agencies worldwide based on such criteria as strategy, communication, taste, ethics, brand relevance, cultural relevance and craftsmanship. Over the past decade, he has also famously — and presciently — chronicled the digital revolution, culminating in his landmark 2009 book, The Chaos Scenario. His previous marketing book, the 2003 manifesto on advertising And Now a Few Words from Me, is published in eight languages. His book, Can’t Buy Me Like, co-authored with Doug Levy, was published in March 2013.
The Chaos Scenario, 2009
The Human Element — TEDxNashville, 2012
Bob Hoffman — Bob Hoffman is The Ad Contrarian, an author, speaker, and partner in Type A Group, a consultancy to agencies and marketers. He has written five books about advertising, which have all been Amazon #1 best sellers. Bob’s “The Ad Contrarian” blog, was named one of the world’s most influential advertising and marketing blogs by Business Insider. Bob was previously Chairman/CEO of Hoffman/Lewis advertising, one of the West’s largest independent advertising agencies. He was formerly CEO of MOJO USA and president and creative director of Allen & Dorward. Bob has created advertising for McDonald’s, Toyota, Shell, Nestle, Chevrolet, Pepsico, Bank of America, AT&T, and more companies than he cares to remember. Bob’s 2017 book, BadMen: How Advertising Went From A Minor Annoyance To A Major Menace, discussed the dangers of “surveillance marketing” two years before Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power.
World Federation of Advertisers April, 2017 — Bob Hoffman — Adtech
Advertising Week Europe 2014 — Bob Hoffman — The Golden Age of Bullshit
Clay Shirky — An American writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies. He teaches New Media as an associate teacher[3] at New York University’s (NYU) graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). His columns and writings have appeared in Business 2.0, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review and Wired.
TED Talks — Institutions vs Collaboration — July 14, 2005
Web 2.0 Expo — It’s Not Information Overload, It’s Filter Failure — September 19, 2008
Cory Doctorow — A science fiction author, activist, journalist, and blogger — the editor of Pluralistic and the author of young adult novels like Little Brother and Homeland and novels for adults like Attack Surface and Walkaway, as well as nonfiction books like How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism. He is the former European director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and co-founded the UK Open Rights Group. Doctorow believes that copyright laws should be liberalized to allow for the free sharing of all digital media.
What is Surveillance Capitalism and How Do We Stop It? — May 27, 2021
It’s Monopolies, Not Surveillance — October 10, 2020
David “Doc” Searls — is an American journalist, columnist, and blogger. He is a co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, author of The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge, Editor-in-Chief of Linux Journal, a fellow at the Center for Information Technology & Society (CITS) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an alumnus fellow (2006–2010) of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University during which he launched and led ProjectVRM. Thomas L. Friedman calls Doc “one of the most respected technology writers in America.”
TEDx Talks — The Story isn’t the Whole Story — September 8, 2018
Customer-Centric Marketing — July 21, 2021
Eli Pariser — is an author, activist, and entrepreneur focused on making technology and media better serve democracy. Executive director of in 2004, where he helped pioneer the practice of online citizen engagement. Co-founder of Upworthy, a website for meaningful viral content, and Avaaz, a large, global citizen’s organization. Author of bestselling book, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You, where he introduced the term “filter bubble” to the lexicon.
TED Talks — Beware Online Filter Bubbles — May 2, 2011
TED Talks — What Obligations Do Social Media Platforms Have to the Greater Good? — December 4, 2019
Maciej Ceglowski — Maciej Cegłowski is a Polish-American web developer, entrepreneur, speaker, and social critic, based in San Francisco, California. He is the owner of the bookmarking service Pinboard, which he calls a social bookmarking site for introverts. He established Pinboard in 2009 after leaving Yahoo. He had been impressed by initial versions of the bookmarking service Delicious, which Yahoo had bought. In these two videos Maciej talks about the dangers of surveillance and data that is stored forever.
Beond Tellerrand 2014 — The Internet with a Human Face
StrataHadoop 2015 — Haunted by Data
Rana Foroohar — is Global Business Columnist and an Associate Editor at the Financial Times, based in New York. She is also CNN’s global economic analyst. Her book, “Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business” (Crown), about why the capital markets no longer support business, was shortlisted for the Financial Times McKinsey Book of the Year award in 2016. Foroohar spent 6 years at TIME, as an assistant managing editor and economic columnist and 13 years at Newsweek, as an economic and foreign affairs editor and a foreign correspondent covering Europe and the Middle East. She was awarded the German Marshall Fund’s Peter Weitz Prize for transatlantic reporting and received awards and fellowships from institutions such as the Johns Hopkins School of International Affairs and the East West Center.
INET — November 13, 2019 — Don’t Be Evil. Rana Foroohar on Big Tech.
Ray Dalio — is Founder, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates. He started Bridgewater out of his two-bedroom apartment in New York in 1975 and under his leadership, the firm has grown into the fifth most important private company in the US according to Fortune Magazine and the largest hedge fund in the world. He’s also the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Principles: Life and Work.
Ted — September 6, 2017 — How to build a company where the best ideas win (radical truth and radical transparency).
Bridgewater Associates — February 10, 2020 — Exploring Paradigm Shifts
Richard Edelman — is the founder and President of Edelman PR, the world’s largest PR firm. For more than half a century Edelman has been a creative and thought leader. Edelman was the first firm to apply public relations to building consumer brands, invented the media tour; created litigation and environmental PR; was the first to use a toll-free consumer hotline, and the first to employ the Web in crisis management. Edelman is the publisher of Edelman’s Trust Barometer® the firm’s annual surveys that gauge attitudes about the state of trust in business, government, NGOs and media across 23 countries.
2024 Trust Barometer Summary
2023 Trust Barometer Summary
2022 Trust Barometer Summary
2021 Trust Barometer Summary
2020 Trust Barometer Summary
2019 Trust Barometer Summary
2018 Trust Barometer Summary
2017 Trust Barometer Summary
2016 Trust Barometer Summary
2015 Trust Barometer Summary
Scott Galloway — is a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business where he teaches Brand Strategy and Digital Marketing to second-year MBA students and is the author of the Digital IQ Index ®, a global ranking of prestige brands’ digital competence. In 2012, Professor Galloway was named “One of the World’s 50 Best Business School Professors” (Poets & Quants). He is the author of “The Four” and “The Algebra of Happiness,” and cohost of the “Pivot” podcast.
Gartner — June 1, 2017 — Scott Galloway, This Technology Kills Brands.
Ted — October 16, 2017 — Scott Galloway, How Amazon, Apple, Faceboo and Google manipulate our emotions.
Bloomberg — July 27, 2020 — Big Tech is Worth More if Broken Up
Shoshana Zuboff — is the author of the books In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power and The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and the Next Episode of Capitalism, co-authored with James Maxmin. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power, integrates her lifelong themes: the digital revolution, the evolution of capitalism, the historical emergence of psychological individuality, and the conditions for human development. She received her Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University and her B.A. in philosophy from the University of Chicago.
WGBH Documentary — February 5, 2019 — Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism
VPRO Documentary — December 20, 2019 — Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism
Tristan Harris - Called the “closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience,” by The Atlantic magazine, Tristan Harris spent three years as a Google Design Ethicist developing a framework for how technology should “ethically” steer the thoughts and actions of billions of people from screens. He is now co-founder & president of the Center for Humane Technology, whose mission is to reverse ‘human downgrading’ and re-align technology with humanity.
TED — December 20, 2014 — How Better Tech Could Protect Us from Distraction
TED — April 5, 2017 — How a Handful of Tech Companies Control Billions of Minds Every Day
Zeynep Tufekci — is a contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an associate professor at the School of Information and Library Science at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a faculty associate at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Her book, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest, was published in 2017 by Yale University Press. Her next book, from Penguin Random House, will be about algorithms that watch, judge and nudge us.
TED — September, 2017 — We’re Building a Dystopia Just to Make People Click on Ads
TED — June, 2016 — Machine Intelligence Makes Human Morals More Important
TED Conference — TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.