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A Sim­ple Bargain

Con­sumers inten­tion­ally engage with mark­ers’ infor­ma­tion as long as mar­keters pro­vide truth­ful infor­ma­tion. This “sim­ple bar­gain” cre­ates the most pow­er­ful con­sumer “point of need” mar­ket­ing plat­form on the Inter­net — con­trolled by con­sumers and mar­keters together — with­out any preda­tory middlemen.


An algo­rithm is a step-by-step pro­ce­dure for solv­ing a prob­lem or per­form­ing a com­pu­ta­tion. It is a finite sequence of instruc­tions that can be car­ried out in a spe­cific order to achieve a desired out­come. Algo­rithms are used in many dif­fer­ent fields, includ­ing math­e­mat­ics, com­puter sci­ence, engi­neer­ing, and busi­ness.

“An algo­rithm is a set of instruc­tions for solv­ing a prob­lem or accom­plish­ing a task. One com­mon exam­ple of an algo­rithm is a recipe, which con­sists of spe­cific instruc­tions for prepar­ing a dish or meal.” (Investo­pe­dia)

AI — Arti­fi­cial Intelligence

AI — Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence — is the “great big data promise” that may or may not be ben­e­fi­cial as applied in big data tar­get­ing of adver­tis­ing. (More AI spe­cific terms.)

AI/PA — Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Per­sonal Assistant

AI/PA — Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Per­sonal Assis­tant — Chat­GPT, BingChat, Bard, and more to come. These are AI-dri­ven “Large Lan­guage Mod­dels” (LLM) using “nat­ural lan­guage pro­cess­ing” (NLP) pro­grams to per­form an even greater range of activ­i­ties than the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion of “voice-acti­vated per­sonal assis­tants” (VAPAs). And the rate of adop­tion of these AIPAs is astro­nom­i­cal.


A brand is “the spe­cific set of perceptions/expectations trig­gered in the con­sumer’s mind when­ever the brand is encoun­tered. The more spe­cific the perceptions/expectations the more valu­able the brand.”

CAM — Con­sumer-Aligned Marketing

Is exactly what is sounds like — mar­ket­ing that is aligned with what con­sumers want instead of what con­sumers don’t want. Con­sumers want — truth, trans­parency, pri­vacy, ser­vice. Con­sumers don’t want — more inter­rup­tions, ads that track them, fraud, mis­lead­ing information.

Free Markets

From Investo­pe­dia — 

  • A free mar­ket is one where vol­un­tary exchange and the laws of sup­ply and demand pro­vide the sole basis for the eco­nomic sys­tem, with­out gov­ern­ment intervention.
  • A key fea­ture of free mar­kets is the absence of coerced (forced) trans­ac­tions or con­di­tions on transactions.

Key words “vol­un­tary” with­out “inter­ven­tion” or “coer­cion” (manip­u­la­tion).

5IR — Fifth Indus­trial Revolution

From Sci­enceDi­rect, June 2022, Pages 199–208

  • The Fifth Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion, or 5IR, encom­passes the notion of har­mo­nious human–machine col­lab­o­ra­tions, with a spe­cific focus on the well-being of the mul­ti­ple stake­hold­ers (i.e., soci­ety, com­pa­nies, employ­ees, customers).

MEE — Mere Expo­sure Effect

“The mere-expo­sure effect is a psy­cho­log­i­cal phe­nom­e­non by which peo­ple tend to develop lik­ing or dis­lik­ing for things merely because they are famil­iar with them. In social psy­chol­ogy, this effect is some­times called the famil­iar­ity prin­ci­ple. The effect has been demon­strated with many kinds of things, includ­ing words, Chi­nese char­ac­ters, paint­ings, pic­tures of faces, geo­met­ric fig­ures, and sounds. In stud­ies of inter­per­sonal attrac­tion, the more often peo­ple see a per­son, the more pleas­ing and like­able they find that per­son.” (Wikipedia.)


At any time some­one wants or needs some­thing; a syn­onym for “point-of-need” (PON) (Cam­bridge Dic­tio­nary)

Pedia Effect

The infor­ma­tion brand, “Pedia” gen­er­ates the most pow­er­ful, authen­tic, and organic per­cep­tion of “inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity” in con­sumers’ minds, based on a com­bi­na­tion of com­pli­men­tary cog­ni­tive heuris­tics and biases — (the “rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ness heuris­tic,” the “avail­abil­ity heuris­tic,” the “fram­ing bias,” and the “con­fir­ma­tion bias”) that are dif­fi­cult to over­come because they are the result of “Sys­tem 1 think­ing,” stem­ming from the near uni­ver­sal use of the word, “ency­clo­pe­dia” around the world. The use offline and then online is time-proven, from the thou­sands of “ency­clo­pe­dias” books pub­lished on every sub­ject to the most well-known online use by “Wikipedia” and many others.

While is may sound eas­ier to “use” these per­cep­tions of “inde­pen­dent third-party higher author­ity” as an exploitive decep­tion — that would be a short-sighted waste of a rare oppor­tu­nity to gain a sub­stan­tial and long-lived “credibility” advan­tage over the com­pe­ti­tion by sim­ply “ful­fill­ing” the perceptions.

POI — Point-of-Interruption

The point at which infor­ma­tion that seeks us, with­out our per­mis­sion, inter­rupts what­ever we are doing with infor­ma­tion that may or may not be of inter­est to us. SBT seeks to use sur­veil­lance, tar­get­ing and manip­u­la­tion to reduce “uncer­tainty” (choice) of consumers.

PON — Point-of-Need

A syn­onym for “on-demand”. Exactly what you want, exactly when you want it — @ your PON. When you inten­tion­ally seek some­thing and you find it @ your PON.

Sig­nal Loss

“Mar­keter ‘sig­nal loss’ is a term used to describe the decline in the abil­ity of mar­keters to track and mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of their cam­paigns. This is due to a num­ber of fac­tors, including:

The dep­re­ca­tion of third-party browser cook­ies. Third-party cook­ies have long been the pri­mary way that mar­keters track users across the web. How­ever, pri­vacy-focused changes to web browsers, such as Safari and Fire­fox, have restricted the use of third-party cook­ies. This has made it more dif­fi­cult for mar­keters to track user behav­ior and attribute con­ver­sions to their campaigns.

The rise of ad block­ers. Ad block­ers are soft­ware pro­grams that pre­vent users from see­ing ads on web­sites and apps. The pop­u­lar­ity of ad block­ers has increased in recent years, as users have become more con­cerned about pri­vacy and online track­ing. This has made it more dif­fi­cult for mar­keters to reach their tar­get audiences.

The increas­ing frag­men­ta­tion of the dig­i­tal land­scape. Users are spend­ing more and more time on a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent dig­i­tal devices and plat­forms. This makes it more dif­fi­cult for mar­keters to reach their tar­get audi­ences with a con­sis­tent message.” 

(Forbes, June 19, 2023.)

SBT — Sur­veil­lance-based Tracking

Sur­veil­lance-based track­ing is exactly what it says — sur­veil­lance, track­ing and tar­get­ing used to manip­u­late con­sumers into doing some­thing they oth­er­wise would not do. This is done with­out con­sumers’ knowl­edge, per­mis­sion, con­trol or recourse.

VAPA — Voice Acti­vated Per­sonal Assistant

Voice Acti­vated Per­sonal Assis­tants (VAPAs) — Alexa, *(Hey)Google, Siri, Cor­tana — just to name a few of the more well-known ones — and now you can add “Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Per­sonal Assis­tants” (AI/PAs) like Chat­GPT, BingChat, Bard, and more. The speed of adop­tion of these lat­est AI-dri­ven PAs is off the charts. Mar­keters bet­ter be pay­ing close atten­tion or it’s game over.

The Final Evo­lu­tion of Marketing

Our mis­sion is to pro­vide con­sumers and mar­keters with “every­thing every­body wants.” And once your mis­sion is pro­vid­ing “every­thing every­body wants” any­thing less than that is going back­wards or “devolv­ing” — hence the “Final Evo­lu­tion of Mar­ket­ing.” (Could have said, “High­est,” but “Final” was shorter.)