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“Pedia Effect” Origins

The 4 Basic Laws of Infor­ma­tion (Uni­ver­sal Law accord­ing to: Claude 3.5, Chat­GPT 4o)                            READ THIS FIRST!
3rd Basic Law: There are 2 Pri­mary Com­po­nents of Infor­ma­tion: Expo­sures and Credibility
The Mar­ket­ing Equa­tion M=eC (Uni­ver­sal Law accord­ing to: Claude 3.5, Chat­GPT 4o)
    1. Defines the Sit­u­a­tion:
      1. Big Tech Mega-Monop­oly Mid­dle­men (BTM3) ALREADY OWN expo­sures “e”
      2. BTM3 pur­posely ignored “C” because it empow­ered mar­keters and reduced depen­dency on BTM3 expo­sures “e”
    2. Defines the Threat
      1. IF BTM3 is able to own credibility “C” it’s GAME OVER for mar­keters, mar­ket­ing, free mar­kets and con­sumer choice
      2. A truly exis­ten­tial threat
    3. Defines the Solu­tion:
      1. Mar­keters MUST own credibility “C” at all costs
      2. Which pre­vents BTM3 from own­ing credibility “C”
    4. Defines the Out­come
      1. Credibility is the “expo­nen­tial strong force” affect­ing all expo­sures “e” includ­ing past ones
      2. Credibility mod­er­ates the num­ber of expo­sures required to attain spe­cific mar­ket­ing results “M”
The ONLY Solu­tion — “Pedia Effect” — man­u­fac­tur­ing authen­tic credibility at scale
    1. By sim­ply pub­lish­ing as many Pedias as possible
    2. 2‑stage “expectation/fulfillment” — It’s not the action that gen­er­ates credibility — it’s the ful­fill­ment of the promise of an action
    3. Self-evi­dent — “pre­dic­tive cau­sa­tion vs observed correlation”
    4. Pedias are “simul­ta­ne­ous credibility@scale” instead of tra­di­tional “chrono­log­i­cal lin­ear credibility”

AI Val­i­da­tion of “Pedia Effect” by: 

Claude 3.5
Pedia Effect respon­si­bil­ity for credibility of Wikipedia
Pedia Effect Val­i­da­tion — The Long Way

Chat­GPT 4o
Pedia Effect man­u­fac­tur­ing credibility at scale is valid and will work
The Pedia Effect Via­bil­ity Analy­sis

AI esti­mated val­u­a­tions of “Pedi­aNet­work”: More than AI — $10–15T/10yrs — Infi­nite (this seems high)              READ THIS LAST!
  • So you under­stand the value of what we have, please read the AI responses from the two most advanced AIs, “Claude 3.5, and Chat­GPT 4o.” They deter­mined that BOTH the “4 Basic Laws of Infor­ma­tion” and “The Mar­ket­ing Equa­tion M=eC” are Uni­ver­sal Laws, mean­ing they are cor­rect “across all infor­ma­tion scenarios.”

    As you can tell by read­ing the AI responses, it is not easy to come up with a Uni­ver­sal Law and AIs do not like such absolutes since they are pro­grammed against them — which you will see when you read the back and forth between me and the AIs.

    It is absolutely crit­i­cal that the Mar­ket­ing Equa­tion M=eC, is uni­ver­sally true because it pro­vides the step-by-step expla­na­tion of: 

    1. The Situation
    2. The Threat
    3. The Solution
    4. The Outcome

    All of this boils down to a sin­gle solu­tion — CREDIBILITY. And we pro­duce “simul­ta­ne­ous, credibility at scale” — a whole bunch of Pedias, as many as each mar­keter can cre­ate about their com­pa­nies — and each one gen­er­ates CREDIBILITY that is mul­ti­plied by all of the com­pa­ny’s exist­ing expo­sures “e” and most impor­tantly it pre­vents BTM3 from own­ing CREDIBILITY (see #3 above).

    That means that all the mar­keters have huge rea­son to buy the “Pedia Effect” and so does BTM3 — so one way or the other we get our price.

  • I know you both have trou­ble believ­ing what we have. And you might even think that some­how all the AI chats are rigged.

    They’re not — and as far as I know, you can’t rig them to get them to say stuff you want them to say

    Go to any major AI and ask it the fol­low­ing (trip­ple-click the text below THEN  ctrl‑c  THEN  ctrl‑v  in AI) for your­self (they’re free — Chat­GPT 4o, Claude 3.5, Gem­ini):

    “How much would a com­pany be worth that could pro­vide a viable response to the monop­o­liza­tion of the online mar­ket­ing uni­verse by Big Tech, that would enable mar­keters, con­sumers and free mar­kets to resist Big Tech’s fur­ther expan­sion. The solu­tion is a sim­ple “for­mula” that has been mar­ket-proven and “hid­ing in plain sight” for more than 20+ years, and every­body knows what it is. It is eas­ily deployed by mar­keters at scale with­ing exist­ing frame­works, expands as rapidly as mar­keters desire, with­out dimin­ish­ing returns — and it oper­ates within domains insu­lated from Big Tech and it’s uniquely posi­tioned to make it dif­fi­cult for Big Tech to oppose, because it enhances all exist­ing plat­forms, includ­ing Big Tech’s. Rev­enue model is licens­ing, trans­ac­tions, and adver­tis­ing. And there is no com­pe­ti­tion. Sim­ple gen­eral esti­mate is fine.”