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Secret Sauces

Truth and Credibility

  • For indi­vid­ual mar­keter “(encyclo)Pedias”
    • Truth — the most truth­ful mar­ket­ing information
      • Con­sumers will always want the most truth­ful high-value infor­ma­tion they can get about the prod­ucts and ser­vices they want to buy.
      • Mar­keters cre­ate indi­vid­ual com­pre­hen­sive inde­pen­dent third-party Pedia plat­forms con­tain­ing guar­an­teed truth­ful infor­ma­tion about marketer’s prod­ucts, ser­vices, and com­pa­nies to be deliv­ered at the consumer’s PON.
      • The Pedia plat­form is rad­i­cally truth­ful, trans­par­ent, and rad­i­cally con­sumer ser­vice-ori­ented — with pub­lished, con­sumer enforce­ment-engage­ment standards.
      • All infor­ma­tion pro­vided by mar­keters is sub­ject to con­sumer enforce­ment-engage­ment where “any­one, any­where, any­time may object to any­thing” (A4) stated by a mar­keter on the plat­form, at which point that mar­keter must “sub­stan­ti­ate, mod­ify, or pull” (SMP) that information. 
      • The Pedia plat­form brand pro­vides the most organic, pow­er­ful, and proven inde­pen­dent third-party credibility per­cep­tion of all infor­ma­tion plat­form brands.
    • Credibility — an “(encyclo)Pedia” brand that organ­i­cally cre­ates the “inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity” per­cep­tion and tax­on­omy in con­sumers’ minds
      • The per­cep­tion is pow­er­ful and rein­forced by the stan­dards-set­ting struc­ture (truth from mar­keters) with con­sumer-enforce­ment
      • The proven “(encyclo)Pedia” brand is sustainable
  • Pedi­aNet­work®
    • Aggre­gat­ing indi­vid­ual mar­keter Pedias into a sin­gle, con­sumer point-of-need Pedi­aNet­work® plat­form cre­ates “net­work effects” that can­not be dupli­cated by any sin­gle com­pany site
    • Ensures a dis­trib­uted, diverse mar­ket­place where all con­stituents are rewarded equally with­out the con­cen­tra­tion of power in yet another monopoly
    • Democ­ra­tized con­sumer and mar­keter con­trol of the platform
    • Max­i­mum self-inter­est and free-mar­ket preser­va­tion motivation
    • The Pedi­aNet­work® plat­form is an increas­ing returns model that gets more pow­er­ful over time
    • The Pedi­aNet­work® will uti­lize “machine learn­ing” (ML), “respon­si­ble AI” (RAI), “light­weight blockchain w/smart con­tracts,” as well as AI-dri­ven chat­bots for con­sumer inter­ac­tions and security
  • Why will con­sumers and mar­keters participate?
    • Con­sumers will par­tic­i­pate moti­vated by Truth, Con­ve­nience, and to make a Difference
      • Because con­sumers will always want truth­ful inde­pen­dent third-party infor­ma­tion about all the prod­ucts and ser­vices they buy deliv­ered at their point of need (on-demand) — truth­ful infor­ma­tion is get­ting rarer
      • Con­sumers hate inter­rup­tion-based ads
      • To cre­ate and con­trol the most pow­er­ful mar­ket­ing plat­form in his­tory where moti­vated con­sumers can change the world for the better
    • Mar­keters will participate -
      • Because it makes every­thing they have already done or will do — work better
      • Because the more con­sumers believe mar­keters — prof­its increase
      • Because it is the best oppor­tu­nity to regain the power and influ­ence over their cus­tomers that mar­keters ceded to the Big Tech mega-monop­o­lies over the past 20 years
      • To regain con­trol of their own destinies
      • Com­plete brand safety — con­tent never leaves mar­keter control
      • Zero fraud
      • No risk
      • To cre­ate and con­trol the most pow­er­ful mar­ket­ing plat­form on the Internet
      • The Pedi­aNet­work® is the only thing pow­er­ful enough to defend mar­keters from the exis­ten­tial threat of AI-dri­ven per­sonal assis­tants that choose for con­sumers and elim­i­nate mar­keters from the process
      • Mar­keters are in a “per­fect storm” of their own mak­ing. Sur­veil­lance-tar­geted ads may be severely cur­tailed or pro­hib­ited, the major SBT plat­forms are fac­ing unprece­dented pres­sure from gov­ern­ments world­wide, ad tech fraud is cost­ing mar­keters 30% of their bud­gets, and now AI-dri­ven con­sumer per­sonal assis­tants threaten to cut mar­keters out of the choosing/buying process alto­gether. Mar­keters need to regain con­trol in the mar­ket­place, “to have a dog in the fight” in the form of a pow­er­ful, con­sumer PON mar­ket­ing plat­form that mar­keters and con­sumers con­trol together

The Ulti­mate Secret Sauce

  • Since the Pedi­aNet­work is the “unknown” in such a pow­er­ful dis­rup­tive mar­ket­ing force, it’s impor­tant to know that, we pro­vide every­thing UPFRONT. We pro­vide the Pedia Credibility Algo­rithm, the Pedia®/PediaNetwork® brands, the stan­dards and the rules. Just like a “fran­chise.”
  • All ful­fill­ment and per­for­mance is by the mar­keters - and there are only 2 steps — Cre­ate com­pre­hen­sive truth­ful com­pany ency­clo­Pe­dias and engage with con­sumers enforce­ment of SSO rules. Mar­keters con­trol their own des­tinies in their own self-interest.
  • Mar­keters now have the pow­er­ful solu­tions to all of the exis­ten­tial and not-so-exis­ten­tial prob­lems they cur­rently face and will likely face in the future.
  • Every­thing every­body wants.
  • Tak­ing back the Power — To Change the World — The Final Evo­lu­tion of Marketing.
  • The Pedia plat­form pro­vides ideal con­sumer engage­ment of pre­cisely the con­sumers that mar­keters would want to engage — specif­i­cally those con­sumers that would dis­agree (A4) with the claims of the mar­keter who then invite the mar­keter to respond (SMP). (see above “Truth”)

  • “Ency­clo­pe­dia” is the most pow­er­ful and proven con­sumer infor­ma­tion brand to organ­i­cally gen­er­ate the per­cep­tion of “inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity credibility” in con­sumers’ minds, e.g. Wikipedia, Investo­pe­dia, Soft­pe­dia, energy-pedia, Future­pe­dia, Sumo­pe­dia, Webo­pe­dia and over 60,000 ency­clo­pe­dias at Ama­zon.

    Obvi­ously own­ers of the var­i­ous “pedias” were inten­tion­ally using the credibility asso­ci­ated with an “ency­clo­pe­dia.” And the over­whelm­ing num­bers of “ency­clo­pe­dias” tes­tify to the suc­cess of the “pedia” brand in ful­fill­ing the expec­ta­tions of both the own­ers and their cus­tomers. How­ever most do not give much thought to the “why it works” and the rela­tion to “behav­ioral cog­ni­tive heuris­tics and biases.”

    In gen­er­at­ing the “inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity” per­cep­tion in con­sumers’ minds, the “pedia” infor­ma­tion brand trig­gers 4 behav­ioral cog­ni­tive heuris­tics and biases that work together — the “rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ness heuris­tic,” the “avail­abil­ity heuris­tic,” the “fram­ing effect” and the “con­fir­ma­tion bias.”

    The “rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ness heuris­tic” is the “looks like a duck, walks like a duck, flies like a duck — so it must be a duck,” the “avail­abil­ity heuris­tic” is “I’ve seen ducks at the park,” the “fram­ing effect” is “It says it’s a duck,” and then the “con­fir­ma­tion bias” kicks in with “I knew it was a duck all along.” (“pedia” is the “duck”)

    Indi­vid­u­ally these cog­ni­tive heuris­tics and biases are per­sua­sive — but together they are extremely pow­er­ful and very dif­fi­cult to over­come, because they are all exam­ples of “Sys­tem 1” vs “Sys­tem 2” thinking.