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What is Truth-based Service (TBS)?

A Sim­ple Bargain 
“Truth-based ser­vice” (TBS) is a direct result of the “Pedia Credibility Algo­rithm” (PCA), and it’s exactly what it says — pro­vid­ing truth­ful infor­ma­tion as a ser­vice to con­sumers, by cre­at­ing a truth­ful “Pedia” of every­thing con­sumers want to know about the com­pany, prod­ucts, ser­vices, mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing. It’s the #1 thing con­sumers want from mar­keters and the “final evo­lu­tion of marketing.”

The Pedia Credibility Algo­rithm cre­ates TBS “Pedias” to auto­mat­i­cally increase a mar­keter’s credibility,
mul­ti­ply mar­ket­ing “voice and tone,” unlock increased returns from all mar­ket­ing a mar­keter has ever done,
and cre­ate a con­sumer “point-of-need” (PON ) mar­ket­ing plat­form more powerful
than any pre­vi­ous “point-of-inter­rup­tion” (POI ) ad-based platform.

Mar­keters have always dreamed of cre­at­ing mar­ket­ing that con­sumers inten­tion­ally engaged with at their PON, just before a pur­chase action and the PCA ful­fills that dream. Mar­keters pro­vide the truth­ful infor­ma­tion con­sumers want and con­sumer inten­tion­ally engage with that truth­ful infor­ma­tion. Both stake­hold­ers get what they want and it cre­ates the most pow­er­ful PON online mar­ket­ing, by con­sumers and mar­keters together — with­out preda­tory middlemen. 

To get “every­thing they want,” all mar­keters have do is cre­ate their own truth­ful “ency­clo­Pe­dias” about their com­pany, prod­ucts, ser­vices, mar­ket­ing, etc., includ­ing the abil­ity for con­sumers to engage with the com­pany at any time. Think, a “com­mer­cial Wikipedia” on the com­pany web­site. The com­pany TBS “Pedia” should be as com­pre­hen­sive as pos­si­ble and designed to pro­vide con­sumers with “every­thing they want to know about every­thing they want to buy.”

After 20 years of buy­ing mil­lions to bil­lions of “(e)xpo­sures” to inter­rupt mil­lions of mov­ing con­sumer tar­gets, the TBS “Pedia” auto­mat­i­cally increases “(C)red­i­bil­ity” and unlocks increased returns from all those past (e)xposures.

The Mar­ket­ing Equa­tion (M=eC) reveals the cru­cial impor­tance of increas­ing “(C)red­i­bil­ity” to max­i­mize ROI of all mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing (e)xpo­sures par­tic­u­larly since the adver­tis­ing pro­fes­sion, as a whole has ignored credibility for so long that in 2021, it was at the very bot­tom in believability/credibilitybelow politicians.

The TBS “Pedia” ampli­fies all expo­sure-based adver­tis­ing a mar­keter has ever done (includ­ing SBT, pro­gram­matic, and all other inter­rup­tion ads), and it’s the par­a­digm shift that realigns the finan­cial incen­tives from mon­e­tiz­ing sur­veil­lance, lying, and manip­u­la­tion at the “point of inter­rup­tion” (POI), to mon­e­tiz­ing truth, pri­vacy, and ser­vice at the “point of need” (PON).

Struc­turally, TBS is the polar oppo­site of SBT (a semord­ni­lap”) that results when you replace the com­plex, extrac­tive, and destruc­tive com­po­nents of SBT deliv­ered at the con­sumer’s POI with sim­ple, con­sumer and mar­keter-aligned com­po­nents that give both sides what they want, at their PON. This cre­ates a TBS “Pedia” plat­form that pro­vides con­sumers with exactly the truth­ful infor­ma­tion they want, exactly when they want it, from a per­ceived inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity con­sumers believe and remem­ber. And it pro­vides mar­keters with con­sumers inten­tion­ally engag­ing with mar­ket­ing at the con­sumer’s PON, instead of con­sumers inten­tion­ally block­ing mar­keter’s ads. 

Mar­keters know they were not spared from the lying, cheat­ing, and fraud of SBT and pro­gram­matic ads. But now what’s worse is that mark­ers face an exis­ten­tial threat from AI-dri­ven per­sonal assis­tants that choose for con­sumers, cut­ting mar­keters out of the choos­ing and buy­ing process.

The Premise of TBS — Give ’em what they want
Con­sumers will always want (and need) truth­ful infor­ma­tion about the prod­ucts and ser­vices they want to buy, and con­sumers will always hate being inter­rupted, spied on, and manip­u­lated. In today’s inter­con­nected world of 24/7/365 com­mu­ni­ca­tion, com­pa­nies need to ask them­selves if it’s even pos­si­ble to hide any­thing from con­sumers. And if it isn’t, then why try?

Par­tic­u­larly when the truth is more pow­er­ful, more prof­itable, and more sus­tain­able than any­thing else a mar­keter can do. And the most pow­er­ful truth is from a per­ceived “inde­pen­dent third-party, higher author­ity” (ITPHA). 

Mar­keters sim­ply need to pro­vide the truth­ful infor­ma­tion con­sumers want, with­out the spy­ing, inter­rup­tions, and manip­u­la­tion con­sumers don’t want, and con­sumers will inten­tion­ally seek out that truth­ful infor­ma­tion at their PON. But mar­keters are quickly run­ning out of time as AI-pow­ered per­sonal assis­tants (AI-PAs) become more preva­lent every day.

The pace of tech­nol­ogy is increas­ing faster than ever before with AI-dri­ven per­sonal assis­tant chat­bots (AI-PAs) going from zero to “warp” speed in a mat­ter of months, threat­en­ing to leave mar­keters behind and removed from the choos­ing and buy­ing process altogether.

The Promise of TBS — a Par­a­digm Shift to the 5th Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion (5IR)
While lit­er­ally every­thing in the past 20+ years, from ride shar­ing to food deliv­ery to phar­macy and gro­cery apps, has moved towards a con­sumer-first “on-demand, instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion” at the con­sumer’s PON, online mar­ket­ing has been stuck in the “bait and switch” past of “pro­vid­ing content/service (that con­sumers want) + “and now a word from our spon­sors” (inter­rup­tion-based ads con­sumers don’t want).”

The TBS “Pedia” plat­form is con­sumer-aligned mar­ket­ing that pro­vides con­sumers with exactly the infor­ma­tion they want, exactly when they want it, from an inde­pen­dent third-party con­sumers believe and remem­ber. This increases mar­keter credibility, which makes all other mar­ket­ing past, present, and future — work bet­ter. Where mar­ket­ing is the mes­sage and the media.

The TBS Pedia Plat­form “fla­vors”
The TBS “Pedia” plat­form comes it two dis­tinct “fla­vors” — “Indi­vid­ual” and  “net­work” — with the inher­ent advan­tages of each type. Mar­keter are free to cre­ate as many indi­vid­ual TBS “Pedia” plat­forms on their web­sites as they desire. Mar­keters may also par­tic­i­pate in the “net­work” edi­tion at any time with the sim­ple addi­tion of a few lines of code to project an exact copy of their local indi­vid­ual TBS “Pedia” plat­form to the TBS Pedi­aNet­work® Plat­form — while still remain­ing under com­plete con­trol of the mar­keter. This cre­ates a net­worked mega-resource that max­i­mizes credibility, mar­ket­ing “voice and tone” and every aspect of the mar­keters’ indi­vid­ual “(encyclo)Pedias” with the added “net­work effects” of thou­sands of inter­con­nected ency­clo­pe­dias to cre­ate a truly sus­tain­able com­pet­i­tive advan­tage that can­not be duplicated.

“Mar­ket­ing isn’t about sell­ing peo­ple some­thing whether they want it or not.
Mar­ket­ing is find­ing out what peo­ple actu­ally want.
Then find­ing a way to match what they want with what we have to sell.”
Dave Trott, June 11, 2015.

  • All ben­e­fits from the “Pedi­aNet­work®“plat­form are aligned with con­sumer demands, val­ues and interests.

  • The “Pedi­aNet­work®“plat­form is 100% trans­par­ent across all busi­ness operations.

  • The “Pedi­aNet­work®” plat­form is con­structed from Sim­ple Rules and Sim­ple Com­po­nents that are easy to understand.

    Mar­keters are bound by a sin­gle sim­ple rule — tell the truth.

  • The “Pedi­aNet­work®” plat­form con­tains no fraud, kick­backs, viewa­bil­ity prob­lems, or any­thing else. Sim­ple Hon­esty.

  • The “Pedi­aNet­work®” plat­form enables mar­keters to build the most pow­er­ful high-value con­sumer infor­ma­tion mar­ket­ing chan­nel and with democ­ra­tized con­trol of the plat­form, com­plete con­fi­dence that present and future ben­e­fits will always be in their own hands.

    It is crit­i­cally impor­tant for mar­keters to have a “pow­er­ful, online, high-value, point-of-need, con­sumer infor­ma­tion chan­nel” as an alter­na­tive to the mega-monop­o­lies “point-of-inter­rup­tion” channels.